Many of us have internal monologues, representing the rich diversity of experiences in normal thought behavior. From a young age, we learn to hear our voices in conversations in our minds, informing us through insights and expanding our awareness. We are empowered by our voices as we navigate our daily lives and chart a course for the future.

     Broadly speaking, we recognize the proverbial voice in the back of our minds, offering insight, intuition, and creativity. We ask someone, “Where did you get that idea?” They reply, “It came to me,” or, “I just thought of it.” Out of thin air, we derive understanding from the wonders of our internal voices manifesting in our thoughts. The thoughts we experience guide our lives and represent our unlimited potential to create. We are at the forefront of finding solutions through the competence of our thoughts, enabling us to acquire real-time information for our creations. Thoughts are the inherent powers we recognize among one another. They come to us as naturally as the air we breathe. They are the common ground of the fundamental core self in each of us, an expression of the universal features of our humanity. We access our thoughts freely. Yet, so expectantly do our thoughts aid us that we tend to take the awareness they offer for granted.

      We intuitively know our thoughts are at the forefront of every action we take in every moment of our lives. We could say reality is imagination at the frontier of thought. And yet, what gives us the power to acquire insight, intuition, and creativity is so much more than imagination. I’ve heard it said that people have boundless creativity. We are imbued with the ability to create. Yet, there is more to our creative potential than meets the eye.

     What we are as energy beings in a physical body gives us the unique advantage of access to our energetic family (counterparts) in nonphysical environments. Our higher selves are a part of this family. Creativity is a joint venture between us and our higher selves and energetic counterparts, what I sometimes refer to as my energetic system or simply system. I use the word system to describe the entirety of my energetic family. The instinctive awareness of creativity is a union with our system, vastly contributing to our insight, intuition, and ultimate creativity. During my childhood, I experienced a subtle voice in the back of my mind, guiding my awareness.  Like many children, I was tuning into my larger identity from a nonphysical origin, which I eventually recognized as my higher self in the worlds I come from and return to someday. The guidance from my higher self has been a significant influence in the transcendental events shaping my life. I am an explorer and a new beginner in learning who, what, and where I come from. I have discovered all people are linked to nonphysical environments through their energetic systems. At this stage in human evolution, humanity is at the frontier of awakening awareness of the larger reality at play. 

     Many of us experience a subtle voice in the back of our minds, manifesting in our thoughts and informing and guiding our awareness within the physical world. Our insight and intuition are the extraordinary capabilities inherited from our system’s remarkable intelligence and organization.

    I used to believe that learning was about tuning into the world outside myself to acquire information. During my earlier life, I struggled to find fulfillment in a world that offered me knowledge and belief systems. While I could relate to many of the values of the external world, I was missing the clarity of who I am as a spiritual being. I wanted to know myself and why I was the way I was. That changed when I became aware of the nonphysical. The physical world offers a great deal of knowledge that has intrinsic value. But to learn about myself and truly understand who I am, I became aware of my fundamental self, what I am beyond my body, ego, and emotions. My essence. Tuning in allowed me to invite my higher self to come closer. Along this path, I had an extraordinary experience. One late night, I was walking peacefully on a trail along the Colorado front range. As I neared the tree line, a voice spoke to me with firm, distinct words as if a friend was standing next to me. The words formed an audible message in my ears, warning of danger ahead. I was told, “Turn around and return to where you came from.” I sensed my intuition was at work. But I had never been alerted like that, with such intense urgency. I immediately followed the advice of the voice. Later that night, I searched my thoughts to understand what had happened on the trail. I felt excited by the event and realized my mind was reeling. I was unable to get clarity. I calmed myself with a few deep breaths and allowed myself to relax. I looked above me and asked why I was being warned and what was the danger. Then, a picture entered my mind. I saw a lion in the tree line stalking me. I knew with every cell in my being that the voice I heard that night was with me on the trail and, at that moment, was showing me the visual of the lion. I was being protected. My dog and I were spared an attack. I was learning to connect to my higher self. I also learned that the events that night were one of the many ways nonphysical works.

    Hearing supportive, guiding voices is nothing new for humans. Beneficial voices have been acknowledged by ancient civilizations throughout history, offering awareness and protection to meet the challenges of physical life. To see ahead of the curve with prophetic effect is an inherent ability that people have in common. Instinctive connection to the nonphysical is our birthright. Many ancient communities understood their most resourceful physical interactions took place through the awareness of otherworldly connections. These ancient communities experienced knowledge from the nonphysical passed orally to people. Generations in many cultures recognize the legacy of voice-hearing among elders and even young people in their communities. Today, there are tribal peoples around the globe who acknowledge voice-hearing. To many in these communities, voices are considered normal. These societies operate on a principle of connection to spiritual worlds as a system to manage and adapt to the challenging physical environment. In Western societies, hearing beneficial voices is considered abnormal and not accepted by our culture. Yet, within Western societies, limited studies suggest some people can hear audible voices, providing support or guidance, especially during periods of personal change. Children can be especially open to nonphysical interactions with their energetic counterparts. These contacts can take the form of voice-hearing. When I first started investigating voice-hearing, I was surprised to learn that many people in Western societies have experienced the phenomenon of positive, supportive, and caring voices.

   After a long history, humankind is discovering the nonphysical. Many of us are becoming aware of who we are and where we come from. We are learning about our potential to experience unity and wholeness from our energetic origin, beginning with the awareness of our higher selves. No one knows us better. 

From the Larger Field and me,

Stephen Daniel